Our team has spent many years at our hair studio in Perth understanding how to best care for blonde locks, whether it’s natural or bleached.
There are so many elements that can affect your strands and make them dry, brittle and prone to breakage. Never worry, though, because we have eight easy ways to care for it.
1. Keeping Your Hair Healthy
You can best care for your tresses by cutting down on how many times you wash them each week. Washing too often will strip away natural oils and take away any moisture.
2. Your New BFF Dry Shampoo
While we previously mentioned not washing your colour too often, you still want to be able to keep them clean. Using a Dry Shampoo in a light shade can keep the greasy look at bay.
3. Keep your Colour
Some common elements will make your tresses brassy-looking, making it hard for you to enjoy your colour. The easiest way to keep it looking fantastic is to use a purple shampoo specially formulated to lock in cool tones. This is specifically designed to neutralise any brassy tones.
4. Toner is your Best Friend
While purple shampoo does a great job at keeping the brassy hues away, using a great toner can give it some extra neutralising, and is relatively crucial in looking after your strands.
5. Heat Protection for your Locks
Back away from the dryer… that’s right, your beloved accessory for taming your locks doesn’t help. Less warm air on your hair means your tone will be more vibrant for longer. Giving yourself a break from heat styling every now and then is ideal. However, you can always use a protectant spray if you cannot do without.
6. Keep it Cool
It’s relatively normal to enjoy the heat on your head when washing your threads. Each time you do, you can keep it looking fantastic and shiny by rinsing off with cold water, rather than the warm or hot choice you would typically make.
7. Use Masks
When you use bleach to dye your tresses, they will be extra thirsty. Using an overnight mask to deeply condition it once a week will help manage it well.
8. Use a Shower Filter
If you’re blonde, whether naturally or with dye, water is a real enemy as it is full of minerals, grime, and chemicals that cause breakage and dehydration of the colour. To preserve the integrity of your mane, using a filter in your shower can help maintain its vibrancy.
How Can Hemisphere Salon Help?
We hope you’ve found this list of tips useful to keep your light tresses looking their best. However, if you ever have any further questions, you can always stop in to see us if you need our advice or help.
We are well regarded in our ability to help you get your blondes into tip-top shape with our creative expertise to benefit our customers.
Our team invites you to browse through our website to get to know us, and book an appointment online at your convenience.